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Image by Edi Libedinsky

Art By Nekudotexe

Mute Balloon

☁Name: Mute (Nickname), Chris (Chosen, Disguise name)

☁Reason for nickname: He was originally a mascot with no voice, too lazy to even make one for his own.

☁Age: 20's           ☁Birthday: Aug 15th

☁Species: Balloondra Dog

☁Pronouns: He/They

☁Height: 2Ft (Mascot Form), 5'5" (Anthro Disguise form)

☁Description: Mute Balloon (MuteB) has been a mascot and manager since he was created, though he never spoke. He was a lazy laid-back manager compared to the others, so lazy that he didn't even make himself a voice. Due to a threat of being decommissioned for not having anyone to manage, he went all around until he ran into Asher. He saw his determination and asked him if he wanted to follow his dreams of being an idol. Though, it confused Asher at first. Mostly because he spoke with his voice, Mute explained that he hadn't had one until he met Asher, and wanted to use his. He also added that it's 0.0000984% higher pitched than his voice in case he was worried about it being the same, to which Asher shrugged and said it was okay. Asher agreed to work with him, hoping they'd make it up to the other Idols in their world.

Mascot Form

Disguise Form

N/A (oops)

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